Ok, back on list...

Steve and Craig have just identified that the problem Steve is talking about
is my 'read request' flags.



1. I'm happy to work thru a solution that keeps everyone happy - always
happy to do my bit :)

2. 'read requests' are a part of the basic mail format, so why they should
be causing anyone a problem is a bit of a worry.

3.  I notice that I only get read request responses some times from some

4.  The read requests are generated by the mail client - in this case
Outlook 2000


1. I'll investigate if I can reconfigure Outlook to be selective about what
it adds read requests to... I suspect the answer will be that I can't.

2.  I'd like recommendations on better mail client that I can use that's
WIN/LINUX so that when I change over to Linux on this machine I can read the
same mail store.

I'd like such client to be able to be configured to request read
notifications by default and be able to specifiy addresses for which no read
is requested.  (Yes I know that might be a big ask :)

Any further help any of you can provide is most appricated as always.

Cheers Don

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Don Gould [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, April 02, 2004 1:41 PM
> Subject: RE: autorespond thing
> Hi Steve,
> Sorry that something in my configuration is causing you problems.
> Can you send me a emial directly to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with
> details of
> what's causing you problems.
> I couldn't follow what was the problem.
> I've been working on a bunch of different things recently and
> seems like
> I've over looked something.
> The auto respond on the mail server isn't very configurable
> and I've been
> meaning to learn some server side scripting so I can build in
> some business
> rules to make sure it doesn't auto respond for list postings.
> Sounds very strange to me that you're ending up with stuff in
> your outbox
> following your inbox.
> As for your rant about headers....  I end up with so much
> crap in my headers
> I don't even bother to look at them these days.
> I'm also sick of virus checkers that put their own footers on
> everything as
> well.  I consider that a security risk in it self and yet these folk
> continue to do it.
> Cheers Don
> __________ NOD32 1.701 (20040401) Information __________
> This message was checked by NOD32 Antivirus System.
> http://www.nod32.com

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