Jim Cheetham wrote:

On Thu, 20 May 2004 09:05:41 +1200, Don Gould <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Yes the flame about what user I was logged in as went on and on and on to
the point where I just skipped over the messages in the end.

Always a good way to learn - just ignore the "community" who are trying to educate not just you, but onlookers. It's obvious that you don't want to know how to do things, just "what buttons to press". Ever wondered why Microsoft documentation is a series of screenshots, and unix documentation is a discussion on how the software works?

What I learnt from that was that root has access to everything (which I
already knew) and using it is a good idea if you don't want security rights getting in your way!

What you might need to learn one day, especially if you mess with computers belonging to other people (i.e. customers) is that security rights are there to protect you and the system from each other. Firewalls don't protect a machine from an application problem, do they? So an internet-connected machine better be locked down internally as well as externally. If you keep reading, you might learn something.

As far as all this linux box hacking goes, I say bring it on community if
you want to help MS win!!!
That is the fastest way I can see of helping MS win the open source war and getting us all back on track to a 100% MS world!

Hacking? Do you mean hacking as in "cracking", or hacking as in "fixing/exploring"?

It's already too late for a 100% Microsoft world. There never was such a thing in the past, and there will never be one in the future. There is more to the world than just the cheap Intel x86 chipset, which is the only place that Microsoft run (basically).

On the .Net source code. from http://msdn.microsoft.com/msdnmag/issues/0900/framework/

compiling your source code causes the compiler to emit MSIL. MSIL is a CPU-independent
intermediate language created by Microsoft after consultation with several external commercial and
academic language/compiler writers. MSIL is much higher level than most CPU machine languages. It
understands object types and has instructions that create and initialize objects, call virtual methods on
objects, and manipulate array elements directly. It even has instructions that raise and catch exceptions
for error handling.
Like any other machine language, MSIL can be written in assembly language. Microsoft provides an
MSIL assembler, ILAsm.exe, as well as an MSIL disassembler, ILDasm.exe. The important thing to
note about MSIL is that it is not tied to any specific CPU platform. This means that a PE file containing
MSIL can run on any CPU platform as long as the operating system running on that CPU platform
hosts the .NET common language runtime engine.

So it seems that Microsoft are planning to extend out from the x86 chipset to other platforms too.

Paul Wilkins

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