
Nick Rout wrote:
Oh and you will find linux software in many schools now, a local product
who's name escapes me, is used for network infrastructure, user account
management etc.

It is in my son's school and also in the secondary school i mentioned in
the other thread.

On Mon, 26 Jul 2004 12:26:14 +1200
Bryce Watkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi folks, this may be of some interest to you:

I have been interested in trying it out for some time and this may be the perfect oportunity. So I would therefore also be interested in assisting with this project. Before comming to Uni I was the IT Systems Engineer for a private education provider.


Derek Smithies wrote:


In the past, there have been many discussions about how we can promote
linux. This sort of got no where. An unfortunate situation. Let us have something a bit more concrete.

I propose that we offer to do a rollout of a LTSP based network at a local school.

Yes, some have said, "but school boards want to feel good by spending lots of money". (apologies, cannot find the quote)
My view is that this may be true.
Schools, with strong rich boards and PTAs will probably hold to this.
However, I suggest that poorer schools don't hold this view.
Poorer schools have fewer options to be choosy.

Ok, so what is required?

30 computers to be used as terminals.

fixes/installations on those terminals.

creation of a server.

on going sysadmin work.

training of one staff member as a sysadmin. This will be as much, or as little as the person can cope with. Ranging from
a)knowledge on restarting printer queues, adding/removing users to the everything.

Finding a school that is willing to be involved. I can think of two schools immediately that would be candidates. Please let us not discuss on this list which schools - but I am sure you can all think of a school or two.

Network cables, ethernet cards and switches, networks, power cables etc

Money - or  a business that will sponsor, or both.

In my view, there should be no monetary cost to the school. They just have to provide a room that can have the terminals installed, and a staff member to work as a sysadmin.

Donations from clug members.
Money and time.


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