hey Lance I'll check it out .. but I think its a pay for use one .. like Suse

will check though and report


Lance Blackler wrote:
Hi Paul, will you be d/l'ing the latest XandrOS - I see they have a down load 
version of the new version 3 available now. This one has the 2.6.9 kernel and 
is getting good reviews.


Lance B

-----Original Message-----
From: Paul Swafford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent: Mon, 13 Dec 2004 15:42:28 +1300 To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: KNOPPIX 3.7

Is now available - for anyone interested in a rescue CD or a quick and fairly painless way to a debian / kde installation.


Paul Swafford

-- (E-CAF, 301 Montreal St, Christchurch, NZ) (ph/fax ++64 3 3656 480 : www.e-caf.com)

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