I suggest mepis or knoppix .. fastest way to a debian desktop .. then apt-get whatever else you want

mepis = about 10mins to install
knoppix about 20mins ..
alternatively the vector linux I mentioned earlier today.
Or if you really want vanilla debian I have some


Paul Swafford


Hi - anyone got the Debian 3.0 CD's?

Am sick of Fedora. Just ran up2date to install latest batch of updates to come
though in the last day or so. All of a sudden after install I couldn't open a
terminal. When I rebooted, it doesn't even get to start the X server. Hangs
with this coming up multiple times...
/bin/sh: error while loading shared libraries: libtermcap.so.2: cannot open
shared object file: No such file or directory.

Fortunately the rescue CD allows me to mount my install, so I can FTP stuff off
it to another box on my network.

Am just think Fedora is too cutting edge. Already haden't been able to synch my
PalmPilot for a few weeks as they broke something in the kernel for USB devices
with udev etc.

I like using apt-get in my FC3, so I think Debian might be for me. Already run
Xebian on my X-Box.

Anyway, back to my original question - anyone got the latest Debian CD's?


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