On Thu, 6 Jan 2005, John Carter wrote:

Splatter the data back all over the drive...
cd /
tar xjf /h/extra_drive.tbz

The untarring is working away as I speak....

I will keep you posted...

#%$#%$!! Reiser4 is working just fine. But somehow I missed the error message from a 2GB file size limit.

John Carter                             Phone : (64)(3) 358 6639
Tait Electronics                        Fax   : (64)(3) 359 4632
PO Box 1645 Christchurch                Email : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
New Zealand

"The notes I handle no better than many pianists. But the pauses
 between the notes -
 ah, that is where the art resides!' - Artur Schnabel

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