On Wed, 05 Jan 2005 13:20:14 +1300
Hugo Vincent <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


> > You young fellers have gotta start remembering that your parents' "new
> > idea" processing skills are no way near as capabable as yours any more
> > that your own can match the those capabilities if a say 5 year-old!
> >
> > KISS
> >
> > John
> Thats what I would have liked to do, but for some reason the menu 
> options are not there! Selecting logout from the KDE desktop only 
> allows you to log out (not shut down) and the kdm login screen does not 
> have shutdown or restart buttons either - I don't know why - my other 
> Mandrake installation had them by default. I suspect that they aren't 
> there because I installed it with the High Security Level option 
> (figuring that they are less likely to break anything then). I thought 
> I could add a item on the KDE "start" menu that called shutdown -h now, 
> but that didn't work ("you must be root to do this"). I will try the 
> chmod u+s method suggested by Robert Himmelmann tonight.

Hugo, would you check if you have mdkkdm installed, this is the
Mdk-modified version of kdm and has the logout/stutdow/restart submenu

the rpm for 9.2 is: mdkkdm-9.2-21mdk.i586.rpm so the version for 10.x
should be pretty simmilar in name.



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