Thanks, your df gives a good impression.

Unfortunately I can only afford one partition with 5.25Gb. I already have the maximum number of primary partitions. I don't need a new swap partition. The 1Gb one from SuSE should do.

I also consider buying an external hardrive which I need for backup. How much does a small one with USB or Firewire cost and where can I get it? I have about 7Gb of data: Some thousand pictures, a 1Gb school project, some legal mp3's and some things for java (especially eclipse).

On Thu, 03 Feb 2005 19:08, Robert Himmelmann wrote:

About how much space do I need for a 'normal' Gentoo-installation with
Java, KDE, and so on?

Here is what I have on my lappie:-
Filesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/hda6             10944128   7096824   3847304  65% /
none                    127688       612    127076   1% /dev
none                    127688         0    127688   0% /dev/shm

Add to that a swap partition of 512 Megs, and a 2 cylinder boot partition.
Note that there is a 700Meg data file in the / partition, but no news or mail spools. I have basic KDE and Gnome installs, and a number of the normal o/s utilities and applications which we all know and love. The main gobbler of disk space is the /var/tmp area which is used as a work area during the builds. I you want to compile OpenOffice from scratch you will need of the order of 2 - 3 Gbytes.

Happy Hacking,

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