On Mon, 07 Feb 2005 15:57:00 +1300
Volker Kuhlmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Serious question: suppose I intend to buy a new computer. Why should I
> get SATA drives? They cost more but perform the same, afterall it's the
> same disk just with a different interface. What exactly is the point?

thinner cables/more air flow?

I don't know for a fact where the holdups in ATA are, maybe the identical drive 
can deliver faster through a different interface - you are the electrical 
engineer :-)

for instance if you put the fast drive in a usb enclosure and attached it to a 
usb 1.1 port, it'd go slow. attache it to a usb2 port it would go faster. same 
disk, different interface.

> Thanks,
> Volker
> -- 
> Volker Kuhlmann                       is possibly list0570 with the domain in 
> header
> http://volker.dnsalias.net/           Please do not CC list postings to me.


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