>===== Original Message From linux-users@it.canterbury.ac.nz =====
>Yes. psyco is an interesting beast. Not only does it translate to
>ia32, but it also dynamically optimises the code while the program
>is running.

There are similar systems for C and FORTRAN: the program produces a 
profile at run-time that is used to optimize the program during later
compiles. However, they are not dynamic systems. Let us not forget
CLR, the common language run-time used by .NET and Mono, which can
have very sophisticated run-time optimization.

>The point is, generating C has a number of benefits over directly
>generating assembly. In particular it is (1) higher-level, and (2)
>widely portable.
You do not have to generate ia32 assembly code: you could generate
code for a virtual machine (like the Java Virtual Machine, CLR, or
g-codes in gcc) and run them directly :)

Michael JasonSmith             http://ldots.org/

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