On Wed, 14 Sep 2005 16:36, Steve Holdoway wrote:
> Why not take this a little further? I've got a mini-itx box with a 20GB
> disk. I'd be happy to build it up headless as a dhcp server, and keep it
> up to date for yum/apt updates, maybe even emerge.
Tfhere is a dhcp server in the ADSL gateway.
But the idea of this being an access point has considerable value.

> If anyone's got a pci riser and a qfe card, then we won't need a switch at
> all.
A suitable s/h switch will only cost $25 dollars of so,

> Alternatively, stick a wireless card in and use it as an access point -
> given the number of lappies I see these days.
Yes I think that that is a very good idea!
Can I book you to give a talk about how to do this?
I suspect that there are several members other than me who would be very 
interested in seeing how that's done.

> Anyone interested?
> Steve
> On Wed, September 14, 2005 2:33 pm, Craig FALCONER wrote:
> > Agreed - I can supply all the ethernet and power cabling as a donation. 
> > I have a crimper too and can make lengths to need.
> >
> > Probably can scrounge up a small switch too.  I am legally a "competent
> > person" and can safety test mains voltage gear too.
> >
> > Nominate someone to be the Equipment Officer and they are responsible for
> > getting the gear to meetings, and they have the use of it in the rest of
> > the
> > month.
> >
> >
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Volker Kuhlmann [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Sent: Wednesday, 14 September 2005 2:01 p.m.
> > To: linux-users@it.canterbury.ac.nz
> > Subject: CLUG toolbox
> >
> >> Frankly I think we should buy the following and find somewhere on
> >> premises to lock it away:
> >>
> >> selection of ethernet cables
> >
> > Ack. Make sure the cables are straight, and get one or two crossover
> > adapters. That gives you maximum flexibility and prevents you having
> > arguments with your equipment "are you stright or not? I wish I had the
> > longer one crossed and the shorter one straight".
> >
> > Lowest prices at tastech.co.nz (in Sydenham).
> >
> >> extension cord
> >> 6 way multibox
> >
> > All this stuff dirt cheap at Bunnings.
> >
> >> (maybe) 5 port switch.
> >
> > Make it 8-port (5-port is history). And make it a CNet, not an X-net, $35
> > at
> > Tastech and has auto-sensing straight/crossover, ie you plug it in and
> > are done with it.
> >
> > Throw it all into a <$9.95 toolbox from the Junkhouse or Bunnings or
> > Placemakers or Idontcare. Stick a list of the inventory to the inside of
> > the
> > lid...  and label all items with a big black pen.
> >
> >> The only problem may be in finding somewhere secure to keep it for the
> >> 30 days a month when we are NOT there. It must be on site or its a
> >> waste of time. It must also be easy to retrieve for obvious reasons,
> >> but at the same time secure.
> >
> > The person who is usually attending the meeting every month takes it home
> > -
> > someone else picks it up if necessary? It's not a waste of time if it's
> > not
> > on site, as long as you can rely on all items being in the one box which
> > you
> > grab on the way out.
> >
> > Volker
> >
> > --
> > Volker Kuhlmann                     is possibly list0570 with the domain in
> > header
> > http://volker.dnsalias.net/         Please do not CC list postings to
> > me.


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