On Mon, 2005-09-19 at 14:47 +1200, Pete wrote:
> >>> So that means he was out of date - current-release version for
> >>> openssh is 4.2p1.
> >>>
> >
> > Thats right, and the current stable version in portage is 3.9p1, which
> > has a number of patches applied. I have no doubt that if there are any
> I'm not exactly sure what you mean when you refer to 'Portage',


One of the better packaging tools

>  but  
> if you are referring to the 'portable' release of openssh, according  
> to their web-site, it is V4.2p1 (and it was released Sep 1 2005).
> The reason I mentioned the out of date ssh binary was because the  
> other linux machine that I recently saw (that had been remotely- 
> exploited) was running openssh 3.8p1, and the remote-attacker had  
> clearly since been using said machine as a scan-tool looking for  
> other machines running this same version (his script specifically  
> grepped for "3.8p1") of openssh.

3.8p1 built by whom and with what patches applied?

> In the above instance, the attacker almost certainly came in via an  
> sshd exploit (there were no other services listening, the root  
> password was known to no-one etc).
> Anyway, that's enough said about that - for now I keep ssh on a non- 
> standard port and seem to avoid 99.99% of the scans. 

strange, most experts seem to disclaim "security through obscurity".

> And I keep it up  
> to date too, of course ;)

> Regards,
> Pete

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