On Thu, 15 Sep 2005 13:19, Gareth Faull wrote:
> Perhaps I should drink more caffeine before interviews?

No, caffeine is a stimulant. It will perk you up to even higher levels of 
angst. ( That's assuming that you are not addicted to the ghastly stuff 
already like me )

imho, What you need to do is to do the OE bit. Elsewhere in the world 
appointments are made on the basis of skills and knowledge, not on some 
fictional (mis)understanding of social graces^H^H^H^H^H mores.

You'd then be able to return home and retire to Wanaka in just a few years.

For example:
I have a young friend of just over 30 who is an 'inept genius'. He is now 
working in the City setting up a banking and insurance IT infrastructure for 
a bunch of foreigners ( I can't remember if they are Arabs or East Asians ). 
His current earnings are of the order of 110,000 pounds p.a.

Put very concisely his emplyment history is something like:-
Left school
Dole 2 or 3 years. Worked hard getting his head around both MSWin and unix.
A year or two doing a taskforce green subsidised job. Created a database for 
some charitable trust or other, amongst other odd job computer projects for 
various charities. Income Dole + $20. Worked for a little commercial outfit 
for about a year as a typesetter. Told the silly, stupid cow who ran the 
joint exactly what she was and left. 
Went to UoC Comp Sci for 3 years. Worked like a drain.
Got 2 straight As and an A+ ( iirc )
Dole in Christchurch for about 6 months.
Went to Auckland. 
Got a job with one of the larger NZ owned software houses. Was paid a pretty 
standard salary.
Resigned, and did a 6 to 9 month consulting stretch for a Government owned 
enterprise creating a data-warehouse. More than doubled his income.

Went to London and virtually tripled his income.
Now lives pretty comfortably in a little village on the Kent-Sussex border.


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