Apologies if this is coming a second time...

I would be very interested in such a session. And if I could (in my naivety) attempt to broaden the scope? Remote access more generally, ssh-ing to another box and running apps (like vnc for example) through it, or more generally administering remotely. And how to go about doing so without a static ip address (eg a dyndns account). Maybe this is totally unrealistic for a single session, I don't know, however this is the sort of thing I'm personally interested in looking at now and maybe others would be too?


Steve Holdoway wrote:
Is this time for a talk on openvpn???

On Mon, September 19, 2005 12:28 pm, Volker Kuhlmann wrote:
Well, you know what they say about assumptions, don't you Volker? ;-)
Yes :)

So that means he was out of date - current-release version for
openssh is 4.2p1.
This doesn't mean all that much. Some distros backport security fixes
for good reason, though gentoo isn't so likely to be one of them. If
there had been a known security problem, every vendor would have
released a new openssh (it is a major core component), but this didn't
happen. So either it's in the pipeline, or the newer version is not
relevant to security. Or there is a problem which is so far undisclosed,
in which case most everyone has a serious problem.

Of course if there were security updates and Nick didn't install them,
then it's a good example of why it's a bad idea to not keep up with the
updates for internet-exposed services.


Volker Kuhlmann                 is possibly list0570 with the domain in header
http://volker.dnsalias.net/             Please do not CC list postings to me.

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