There's always the possibility I'm wrong but I thought that all the parallel or serial ata drives are compatible. A good place to start for prices is pricespy...

100 gig is pretty small these days. Depending on how much you want to spend you could go as far as 300 and still be spending under a dollar a gig. Getting cheaper and cheaper all the time.

Forget all the listings with 5400rpm in them, take note of the ones with larger caches (8MB on some). Seagates (all?) come with a 5 year warranty these days, afaik that is something that the other manufacturers don't match (he said without bothering to check).
Hope this helps.

Joshua Collins wrote:
I seem to vaguely remember this coming up recently, but I don't recall the results. What is the advice on a harddrive that is linux compatible. One that's about 100Gb would be nice :) Is there anything I should be wary of should a shop assistant try to swindle me. I'm not a huge hardware purchaser so any advice would be handy. Also are there any shops in Christchurch that people would recommend as being either locally owned and/or linux friendly? --Slosh --Gmail headers in use, and curses I missed talk like a pirate day!

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