On Sun, 2005-10-16 at 14:13 +1300, Volker Kuhlmann wrote:
> > What is the structure of what you are trying to create? I do not mean
> > ???what are the commands that you used???, you helpfully provided those, but
> > what do the elements on the page *represent*?
> I am trying to vertically (and horizontally, but that's just \centering)
> align a bunch of \includegraphics. Their size is approx 90% of the page,
> ie one per page. Special issues: the first one has a \section{} and a
> little text above it on the same page. The last one needs to be
> vertically centered too (this is an issue with \raggedbottom and letting
> tex do the page breaking, with a single \newpage after the last
> graphics).

I was looking at how I performed a similar task, and I avoided a problem
by *not* vertically centring the diagrams on the page. The following is
the snippet of \LaTeX , noting that I am using a counter to load a
sequence of diagrams.

The diagrams are not centred partly because of ease, and partly because
they look better without the centring :)

Michael JasonSmith        http://ldots.org/

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