On Mon, 05 Dec 2005 20:56, Timothy Pick wrote:
> We shouldn't ask "what won't we be able to hide from our users?", but
> "what is making decisions about our lives and being hidden from us that
> we have the right to examine?".

Air Traffic Control software is _the_ system which I think should be open 
for examination by any and everybody. Obviously one can't have the general 
public altering it willy-nilly, and expecting their u-beaut version 
0.0.45-rc1 being installed in LAX control, but seeing as General Public 
has paid for it's development, I cannot see why he should not be able to 
at least review and learn from it. One day some keen youth of whatever sex 
and age might see the sort of problems which caused the Ariane5 rocket to 
fail. If [s]he did that before launch then a lot of money might be saved.
I understand that the figure of E500,000,000 was involved in the Ariane 5 


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