Do I have a lingering problem from last night for

I brought my (mostly working) PC to last nights
meeting but on attempting to fire up Linux this
morning X will no longer initialize.   Startx now
gives the following messages:

Undefined Monitor "monitor" referenced by Screen
"Screen 1"
Error parsing the config file

Fatal Server error
no screens found
XIO fatal IO error 104 (connection reset by peer on X
server ":0.0" after 0 requests (0 known processed)
with 0 events remaining.

There was a screen full of messsages but the above
looked to me to be the most significant.  
After some mucking about in bash I thought I would
perform a upgrade install of Mandriva.   This seems to
have made matters somewhat worse giving rise to the
above error messages.

Any suggestions?  Should I go for a full install or
perhaps keep my sticky fingers off the keyboard and
flag Linux away until the next CLUG meeting?


Tony Hart

WARNING.   Yahoo does not accept a blank return
--- Nick Rout <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Thanks to Chris & Zane for the talks on
> LinuxConfAustraliaDunedin
> Good discussion about future events. 
> Resolved (I think)
> 1. Have a half hour session on a beginners topic, eg
> a section from the
> LPI certification programme at each meeting - Chris
> S to present and
> co-ordinate other presenters for this slot . Distro
> neutral and command
> line oriented, but for beginners.
> 2. An installfest, with an "expo" flavour, to be
> held in conjunction
> with Software Freedom Day in September. Needs:
> - sponsorship
> - money
> - publicity
> - a co-ordinator !
> 3. Future "feature" talks (ie in addition to the
> half hour tutorial) 
> - the Koha developer - possibly invite school
> principals/librarians
> - Linux video/media - me :-(   
> - a seminar in "how linux is used in my
> business/workplace" - possibly
> invite members of NZ Computer Soc to attend, need a
> list of willing
> speakers.
> - more integration with industry groups and other
> computer (non linux
> specific) groups
> Theres probably some other suggestions I have
> forgotten, but the above,
> i think, covers most of what we talked about.
> -- 

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