Time to look at a decent modem for faxing, telstra cable backup, and, if
at all possible, answer phone capabilities (that's for the geek factor).

Decent internal PCI modems aren't for sale, which leaves indecent
internal ones, or an external one.

DSE's Intel-53[67] based mickeymodem doesn't do voice under Linux.
Whether an external Dynalink 1456VQE-C does voice under Linux has do be
seen - can anyone confirm? Their blurb says "voice with supplied
software". Safe bet that supplied == useless.

The Dynalink 1456VQE-C is specified with only doing fax class 1 - is
this a joke? I understand class 1 needs CPU i.e. is host-controlled, is
time-critical, and generally a PITA. That the mickeymodems only do class
1 doesn't suprise me, but Dynalink's flagship external?
Does anyone have experience with this model and faxing, or any internal
modems currently on the market and faxing?

Any better choices (NZ, preferably not too expensive)?
Any experiences with voice capabilities - and which modem?



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