Christopher Sawtell wrote:

Greetings to the CLUG listers,


I also have a file in Theora Ogg format of the TV recording of the launching of the GPLv3 by Eban Moglan and Richard Stallman. It's playable by either Real Player or mplayer provided you have the ogg & theora plugins available.

The TV presentation is professionally done, and if you are interested in the new GPL you will find the content pretty interesting. It is available either as a standalone 210 megs file or together with the books in a 220megs .iso file.
I would be interested in a copy of that video. I would like to come but obviously it is a bit too far away. (I am living in Germany) Could you point me to a site were I can download it?


Happy Hacking,
Robert J. C. Himmelmann

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