> > And every distro worth mentioning has its own GUI runlevel editor.
> The problem with all point and click GUIs is, quite simply, that they > completely hide all the details of what you are trying to do. I.O.W, while > for some people they are quick and convenient, they will ruin any > fundamental understanding and your learning experience utterly and > completely. I don't agree. The first job is to get things working - nothing beats GUI there (as long as the GUI thing is functional). Nothing prevents those inclined to dig and learn from doing just that. So you could simply answer the question at hand with "use your system's GUI runlevel editor", and add for the adventurous "it modifies the symlink set under /etc/init.d/". If you're kind, add "read it up in 'The $DISTRO's boot concept'". You learn by observing how insserv acts on the links - while retaining a fully functional system! To anyone stumbling into that symlink lafaffel surely the next question is "where's the tool to run that show?". Well, mine was. Sure I could use ln, but never dreamt of doing so. Keep in mind that on Linux, all those GUI thingemes typically only edit some text file anyway, so I say, start with the GUI, and compare the text file before and after, that way you're much less likely to make your grave while digging around. > This is why you can achieve a MCSE, yet as soon as something > out of the ordinary comes along you find that you Must Consult Someone > Experienced. While probably true, it doesn't apply to Linux. Volker -- Volker Kuhlmann is list0570 with the domain in header http://volker.dnsalias.net/ Please do not CC list postings to me.