> a royal pain to get working, as there are 30 or 40 different firmware
> images that may or may not work. I found the documentation so poor (
> both of the firmware configuration and the requirements of the ISP )
> that I started off with image 1, and kept on going until I got one to
> work. Unfortunately, that was for a telstra clear connection, so I
> don't think my notes will be much use to you at all.
> It's a case of rtfm, reset the modem between each attempt, and be
> very, very patient. It does work moderately well eventually, although
> I've found that it's performance when it loses the connection to be
> slightly worse than useless ( ie, it's been down for a couple of days
> now, but I'm not nipping into town just to fix that! ).

I think I would spend $100 on a new modem and have something which works
in 10 minutes flat, each time, every time, then to spend my precious
time on that sort of rubbish you describe there, which ought to go on a
don't-even-think-of-looking-at-it blacklist. And the list of hardware
paperweights should be compulsory reading before purchase. But as
someone said, there's choice - some people prefer the hard way.

> 5.  Don't go buying new equipment just because linux isn't up to the
> par...  Man I'll come install windows on your machine before I surcome
> to that!

Oh boy. I certainly won't succumb to ms-windows just because some piece
of rubbish ought to be tapped with a big hammer and added to the Hall Of


Volker Kuhlmann                 is list0570 with the domain in header
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