On Wed, Apr 19, 2006 at 09:35:58AM +1200, Andrew Errington wrote:
> > > You don't have to.  Once you had it all up and running, why would you
> > > want to change it? 

Quite right. You only need to change the software if your requirements
change; if security is one of your requirements, you only have to change
when your version is end-of-lined for security updates.

Not sure how long Debian support 3.0; Ubuntu commit to support the
server install of Dapper (the next one, 6.6) for 5 years.

(Apparently they only support the workstation install for 3 years, but
I'm not currently sure of the official difference between the two)

> Having said that I am given to understand that the Ubuntu upgrade procedure 
> is straightforward and relatively painless.  Is that true?

Well, yes :-) It's mostly handled by apt's dist-upgrade facility, with a
couple of manual actions described on in the upgrade documentation on
the Wiki. At the moment I don't think they're supporting n>2 version
upgrades in one step though.

On the other hand, given the opportunity, I sometimes prefer to do a
clean install even if an upgrade is available; especially where there
may have been large manual hackery of config and data files to get the
previous version doing something that is now standard.


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