Quoting Steve Brorens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Some interesting developments on 'the other side'...
> POWERSHELL (aka Monad, MSH) - See
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windows_PowerShell for an intro. Very
> strong *nix flavour, and Exchange12 administration GUI's will be built
> upon this - ie the CLI comes first, and the GUI sits on top in classic
> *nix fashion. Beta versions can be downloaded and played with now - it
> won't be shipped for a while yet (it's not in Vista) 

FWIW, I've been pushing at the Port25 site for Microsoft to give their approval
for a *nix version, FLOSS by the community preferably.  That's if they don't
just bite the bullet and release the source code for a beta under the Microsoft
Community License so people can port it to linux themselves, and do strange and
wonderful things therein.
> UNIX IN WINDOWS - Windows Server 2003 now ships with a full Unix
> sub-system, including gcc and tons of other GNU and GPL stuff:
> http://www.microsoft.com/windowsserver2003/R2/unixcomponents/webinstall.
> mspx#EKB
> http://www.microsoft.com/presspass/features/2005/aug05/08-10OpenSourceLa
> b.mspx 
> PORT25 - http://port25.technet.com "...people, insights, and analysis
> from the Microsoft Open Source Software Lab" 

Sign up, beard the leopard in his den! ;-)
> LINUX CONFERENCES - 'Softie giving a keynote at Linuxworld -
> http://www.idgworldexpo.com/download/bh.mp3
> WINDOWLESS WINDOWS - The next version of Windows Server (Longhorn) will
> have a GUI-less version, aimed at the same people who run their *nix
> systems X11-less, called "Server Core" see:
> http://windowssdk.msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en
> -us/Srvcore/srvcore/portal.asp

Do we get Internet Explorer with that?  I mean, it _is_ a core part of Windows
... ;)

Looks like Microsoft is trying to change itself into a faux-Un*x vendor.  Should
be fun days ahead!

Wesley Parish
> So, quite different approach from the rants and antagonism of the past.
> My reading is that they've now got lots people on board with strong
> *nix
> backgrounds and are pushing really hard to capture the big Unix sites,
> before they all go Linux. Most of this stuff is quite foreign to the
> normal Windows user/administrator, but potentially re-assuring to Unix
> admins. 

And you are forgetting the likes of http://minimsft.blogspot.com - guess which
two comments are mine in 
;)  Wesley Parish

>  - steve
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"Sharpened hands are happy hands.
"Brim the tinfall with mirthful bands" 
- A Deepness in the Sky, Vernor Vinge

"I me.  Shape middled me.  I would come out into hot!" 
I from the spicy that day was overcasked mockingly - it's a symbol of the 
other horizon. - emacs : meta x dissociated-press

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