OK, this advice should work:


If it does not, we may have to change the location of the bootable flag.

Vik :v)

On Fri, 2006-06-09 at 16:34 -0700, Teo Dumitras wrote:
> Partiotions:
> Disk geometry for /dev/hda: 0.000-11513.25 megabytes
> Disk label type: msdos
> Minor    Start        End            Type        Filesystem Flags
> 1        0.031        1004.062    primary        fat32 
> 2        1004.062    11507.497    extended                    lba
> 5        1004.093    3004.343    logical        fat32
> 6        3004.374    3263.203    logical        linux-swap
> 7        3263.234    7389.272    logical        ext3            boot
> 8        7389.303    11507.497    logical        ext3
> Thank you Vik, I have never done before this.
> parted /dev/hda
> print
> quit

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