On Wed, 16 Aug 2006 19:33, you wrote:
> On Wed, August 16, 2006 5:37 pm, Andrew Errington wrote:
> > Okay, here is an update/summary.
> Is the country set to NZ?

I don't know, Nick.

Do you know how to check it?  Do you know how to change it?  Do you know 
what it should be?

It looks like AT+GCI=xx where xx is the country code, but I can't find a 
list that includes New Zealand.  I can find find a list that explicitly 
indicates no setting is required for New Zealand.

Note, the modem works.  It detects the dial tone, it dials, the other end 
answers and connects, it just seems that authentication breaks.  As I said, 
changing nothing but the modem (switching to an external one) makes Alan's 
ISP connection work.  There's probably a funky init string that makes 
things go (including, but not limited to, a country code setting).  There 
are a few to choose from that people have posted up saying 'this works for 

I would have liked to try wvdial, as it tries a few different init 
strings, but the Mepis installation did not seem to include the original 
disk as an apt source (nor was it commented out in sources.list), so either 
there is no additional software on the CD, or including it as a source was 
simply overlooked.  Having said that I'm not sure wvdial would be any more 


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