On Friday 06 October 2006 12:06 am, Volker Kuhlmann wrote: > I'm in real need for some virtualisation/emulation setup but without > time for a lot of research. Needs to run on SUSE 10.1. Needs to be > capable of running various Linux distros and BSD (pfsense) guests for > purposes of evaluation and demontration. Potential candidates are: xen, > vmware, qemu?, ??? > I use Qemu (after seeing Wesley's presentation). I know it is not as fast as Vmware but it is free. Probably worth a try for your purposes. Google will help.
I made some notes about my WinXP installation into Qemu and I am sure you can use similar applicable commands for whatever guest OS you use:- This is what I did (after some failures) on Mepis Create the image.... qemu-img create -f qcow /home/robert/qemu/winxppro.img 6G Install windows.... qemu -hda /home/robert/qemu/winxppro.img -cdrom /dev/cdrom -boot d -m 768 -localtime I got a validation problem which was fixed with SP2 so I used the command below to boot into Safe Mode and then install SP2 after first creating an SP2 iso. To create the iso.... mkisofs -o sp2.iso WindowsXP-KB835935-SP2-ENU.exe (Press F8 straight after pressing "Enter" with the command below) qemu -hda /home/robert/qemu/winxppro.img -cdrom /home/robert/qemu/sp2.iso -boot c -m 768 -localtime To run it.... qemu -hda /home/robert/qemu/winxppro.img -boot c -m 768 -localtime