On Thursday 01 February 2007, Kale Worsley wrote:
> Hey,
> I have another newbie question, Do 'major' distros have an update mechanism
> like Windows Update? For example, I have some Ubuntu 6.06 LTS LiveCD's, If
> I install Ubuntu on my computer, will I be able to automatically update to
> version 6.10 without having to reinstall and/or download the new iso?
The answer to that one is a simple "Yes".

look for some doco for the command apt-get.
if the command  man apt-get doesn't work locally.

> Thanks for the help,
> - Kale Worsley
> PS. Just for future reference, is it bad mailing list etiquette to ask more
> than one question in one email?
Yes, because the thread will split, but in all probability the subject won't 
be changed so you end up with answers to only one question and a subject 
referring to the other question.
However you won't be slain for doing it.

What is really annoying is when people ask two questions in the same line. :-)

The one transgression of netiquette which is utterly unacceptable here is 
hijacking the thread. If you don't understand what is meant by that please 


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