Don Gould wrote:
My $120.00's worth.

MANDRIVA 2007 far I haven't been able to make sense out of bluetooth. I've got the driver working, I think, but none of the applications.

Ditto. Anyone care to run a klug nite on bluetooth?

I've had one liveCD test success, however - kubuntu.

Ubuntu is something you can just keep as far as I'm concerned (sorry Rik) my experience with it has done nothing to thrill me.

That is the point. - Vanilla functionality, less toy. ;-)

Debian Sarge - there is a growing number of debian geeks on list and it will continue to grow this year as it's what I'm pushing in to the LES class and other places.

See above comment re 'what works'; also, 'knowing what you are talking about'.

Derek I'm with you on this support thingo... personally I find maintenance quickest when you've got the best bunch of people to help out. So what ever the most vocal list members are using is often best?

Condition met.

Rik Tindall, InfoHelp Services <> on virus-free
Ubuntu GNU/Linux 6.06 freeOS, 2.6.15-28-686 kernel, GNOME 2.14.3 desktop 2.0.2 suite, Firefox web browser and
Thunderbird email, gEdit 2.14.4 web editor, gFTP 2.0.18 fileXfer

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