> I send sms messages - this is by far the most useful feature.

You can do this with Linux.  Try gnokii.  I have done it with a wired 
connection and an IR connection.  I should imagine that BT is just like IR, 
and once the BT link is established it is effectively the same as a wired 
link.  You don't even need any driver software, you can just write commands 
directly to the phone via the serial link (wired, BT or IR).  I wrote a 
cheesy Python script that listened for incoming SMS, parsed the message, 
got some data from the web, and then sent a new SMS message in response.

Establishing the link is the hardest part, not because it's hard (your 
working XP installation demonstrates how easy this is) but because it 
requires a lot of new, fiddly, not-quite-there-yet stuff to be working 
properly on your Linux installation.

I was going to post a link to some discussion/help pages, but Google for 
"linux bluetooth sms" and you'll get them.



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