Christopher D Maher wrote:
> What is the best distro for an introduction to Linux?  All I want to
> do is be able to play and have something that doesn't use much
> hardware ie no big graphical requirements (though I do want a GUI) and
> something very very light on ram.
> CM.

My recommendation in order of preference are:

    1. stick with the one you have used before. If you change today, you
will have a different set of problems tomorrow.
    2. choose the one that is easiest for you to get personal assistance
with. Choose the one your mates use.
    3. ubuntu

These are generic recommendations. However, I have added a 4th for your

    4. xubuntu. It uses a window manager and GUI applications that are
supposed to be RAM and processor friendly, making it suitable for older

I have a list of questions that will probably reveal some contradictions
in your is a long list, so I will send it as a
separate post.

These recommendations and the list of questions derive from my
assessment of Linux distributions, based on my practical (install and
use) experiences with

    * slackware console (1995 era)
    * redhat/kde (2003
    * debian/kde
    * ubuntu/gnome (5.04 -- 6.10)

and my theoretical assessment (reading the blurb and newgroups) of
numerous other distributions. My somewhat cynical summary of all
distributions is:

    * different distros install a different set of applications and
libraries by default over a very wide range
          o from a limited set of applications for a specific purpose
(kiosk, router, server)
          o to a selected set of applications for common office tasks
(email, web browser, word-processor, etc)
          o to installing everything, letting you choose without having
to install anything else

    * different distros have different distribution mechanisms for
initial installation
          o single CD
          o single DVD
          o multiple disks
          o network only (with perhaps a boot floppy, CD or image)

    * all distros provide additional packages via network

    * there are a number of different packaging and update mechanisms;
they all provide similar features
          o apt, emerge and rpm are the big three (in alphabetical order)
          o they all fail to do the right thing under certain conditions

    * not all distros make a distinction between security updates and
feature upgrades

    * all distros provide updates and upgrades via the network

    * different distros have different policies about non-free-speech
          o some include it all, free and non-free
          o some separate out the non-free stuff, but it is still
available in the repositories if you need it (or want it)
          o some include only free-speech stuff in the package repositories

    * all distros and packaging systems have had packaging problems

    * all distros had problems detecting some hardware

    * you cannot tell ahead of time whether any distro will have
problems with your specific set of hardware

    * you cannot tell ahead of time whether any distro will have
problems with your specific software choices

    * all distros have had update and upgrade issues

    * any distro will need a similar amount of tweaking and
troubleshooting for your specific situation

    * there are more alternatives for GUIs under linux than there are
under windows and mac osx

    * no desktop distro comes with a backup system for grandma

Stephen Irons

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