On Sat 21 Jul 2007 12:55:03 NZST +1200, Christopher Sawtell wrote:

> >Hylafax is an enterprise grade faxing solution.

> FWIW, Some years aga I found Gert Doering's mgetty+sendfax to be a
> superior package.
> http://mgetty.greenie.net/

I found hylafax overkill once and tried to use mgetty+sendfax. It does
not support fax class 1 and 1.0 and that won't change, its author told
me. Bottom line is it's only useful for ISDN phone systems, i.e. not in
New Zealand. When you go out and have a closer look at modems' specs,
you find that they don't support class 2. The one ISA one I tried which
claims to support class 2 attempts to do so but fails. Hylafax would
also be more secure.

Btw sendfax has the dumbest user "authentication" system I've ever seen:
it makes the user call a bash script, which then decides whether the
user is allowed to send a fax, and which calls some other binary if so.
Anyone with epsilon of a clue just calls the next binary directly. And
you have to hack that script because otherwise it hacks everyone off
telling them they aren't allowed, and really, you don't want to waste
your time configuring that nonsense.

Vgetty of mgetty+sendfax is really good by the looks of it, as is

The simplest would be to crank up yast to configure modem fax/
answerphone with a few clicks, I hear it works well - pity only for
ISDN. :(


Volker Kuhlmann                 is list0570 with the domain in header
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