On Friday 03 August 2007 3:49:23 pm yuri wrote:
> On 29/07/07, thomas  wrote:
> > hello fellow linux users
> >
> > I just tried to install ubuntu 6.06 on my partners laptop to run with
> > its vista system....  but now no vista...
> I did the same with my wife's XP laptop a few years ago. Lost XP,
> shrugged shoulders and moved on. I would suggest a KDE based distro
> (or add KDE to the Ubuntu install) for your partner to try, at least
> until the next fix-up evening.
> My wife doesn't even miss Windows now.
> Yuri

Better still my wife was computer illiterate, now she's MS illiterate :)

when ever i get onto MS OS for gaming and she wants to do emails it's (in a 
whiney voice) why do you have to use that crap for? why can't you use the 
other?? <G>

I have to laugh quitely to myself  sometimes


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