On Wed, September 5, 2007 10:42 am, Volker Kuhlmann wrote:

> Btw here's another short test:
> env TZ=NZ date -d "2008-03-28 14:00 utc" "+%a %Y-%m-%d %T %Z"
> The correct time is 3:00, the wrong (old rules) time is 2:00.
> Or we can play (copy and paste into shell as 1 line!):
> sh -c 'export TZ=NZ; test `date -d "2008-03-28 14:00 utc" "+%H"` = 03 &&
> echo Right || echo WRONG'
> Volker

There is a little c test program in this message (which also gives another
set of instructions on how to fix the underlyting problem).


Nick Rout

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