Canterbury University has repo of various Linux distros available on the uni
network. If you are interested in what they have e-mail me and I'll get a
list of what's there.


On 9/19/07, Christopher Sawtell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Greetings CLUGgers,
>   The recent thread which bemoaned the absence of a Definiitve Source
> for Linux in Christchurch has triggered Wesley and I to set up an
> archive of Linux Distros.
>   In conjuction with the St. Albans Neighbourhood Resource Centre -
> That's the place where we meet each month - we have created a goodly,
> but by no means complete, collection of Linux and Unix disks. The
> Centre is open for business between 11:00am and 3:00pm every weekday
> and 1:00pm till 3:00 pm. on Saturdays.
> Go here for the list of Distros:-
>     and  here for a Street map:-
> This is neither a download mirror, nor a Linux by post service - You
> have to turn up in person with loose change in your pocket to buy a
> Alternatively a USB device with a Windows compatible file-system and
> sufficient free space
> is also possible.
> As this is all new to the Centre, I suggest a slow start. They won't
> be able to service dozens of CLUGgers turning up at lunchtime on
> Monday. It might be best to wait until Tuesday when Wesley is working
> there.
> Donations of other distributions to add to the collection would be
> welcome.
> --
> Sincerely etc.
> Christopher Sawtell

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