> Hi, I have a couple of drives set up as raid1 via software raid with /, 
> /boot and /home partitions.  Before I potentially destroy the data, I 
> thought I'd check - can tune2fs be used on a multidisk set? ie just do
> tune2fs -m 1 /dev/md3 (being the /home partition)?

Yes! The filesystem is on the /dev/mdX devices. What's underneath is not
your problem. (In reality, with raid1, the exact same filesystem is on
the constituent partitions. As an aside, you'll find that the mdX
filesystem is ever so slightly shorter than the hdX constituent
partitions - the end of the partitions is used to store the raid
architecture information.)

Make very sure you run fsck on the mdX devices, because if you run it on
a constituent device, you can have a similar effect only fractionally
faster by formatting the lot. As usual, you can run fsck only on
filesytems which are not currently mounted. That means for / you'll need
to boot from a recovery or live CD. For other filesystems you may be
able to boot into runlevel 1.


Volker Kuhlmann                 is list0570 with the domain in header
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