Sounds like your initrd image is hosed. Do you have more than one (gutsy) 
kernel installed, and can you boot off one of the others? If so, then 
mkinitramfs will let you rebuild the affected file ( which is actually a cpio 
archive of all the driver, etc files you need to bootstrap the kernel )

One of the reasons I don't like SuSE is the way it cleans up after itself and 
*doesn't* give you that option... unless things have changed of course!


On Thu, 14 Feb 2008 19:37:13 +1300
Roger Searle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi, the following occurred out of the blue today, though may be the 
> second time it has happened.  While using the machine as normal, the 
> video cut out, and needed a hard reset.  The previous time it may have 
> occurred was about 3 or 4 days ago (where it re-booted fine), and that 
> pre-dated running the Adept Updater yesterday. One of the updates 
> yesterday was a kernel upgrade to (from memory) 2.6.22-something.  So I 
> can't be sure that the following is related to the update:
> On reboot, I get the following:
> RAMDISK: ran out of compressed data
> invalid compressed format (err=1)
> Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: unable to mount root fs on 
> unknown-block (0,0)
> I have absolutely no idea what this is about, I'm googling but looking 
> for any experience from the list about how to proceed. 
> This email is being composed booted into Mepis - the previous 
> installation to the above Gutsy problem.  So the hardware is 
> functional.  df isn't showing me any full partitions. 
> Any pointers gratefully received!
> Roger

Steve Holdoway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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