On Mon, 25 Aug 2008 20:25:07 +1200
Don Gould <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I also wonder if SIP clients are really just 'not as finished as the 
> current Skype client'.
> Cheers Don

RFC 3261 defines SIP. It's a standard. Like RFC 2821 defines SMTP. It's 
complete. Finished. Working. Provides interoperability. The internet is open, 
and uses these standards to provide services for you to use. Like you receiving 
this mail. 

I very much doubt that you set up your own mail server ( nope, you use gplhost 
services instead ), but it's necessary that the infrastructure is in place 
before you can read this. So by your reasoning, email isn't finished either?? 

The bit you're complaining about is the SIP equivalent of a mail server, which 
is free if you're prepared to configure the relevant software and environment, 
or you pay someone else to do it for you. 

As for clients, is, for example, ekiga really that difficult to configure?? 
Whatever, it's infinitely better than some closed product using 100% of the 
available cpu on a PC running Microsoft windows... but doing what???


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