On Tue, Oct 21, 2008 at 2:14 PM,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've just edited smb.conf and want smb to pick up the changes.
> I assumed
> #/etc/init.d/smb restart

Does that not work? Check the script name:

ls /etc/init.d

it might be samba rather than smb. In fact looking for yourself would
show you that, youcould have gone:

dpkg -L samba|grep init.d

or here http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/i386/samba/filelist

However man smbd will tell you that you do not need to restart samba,
as the file is read every minute. However existing connections are not
affected, so restarting does ensure all connections are using the new

The  configuration  file, and any files that it includes, are automati-
       cally reloaded every minute, if they change. You can force a reload  by
       sending  a  SIGHUP to the server. Reloading the configuration file will
       not affect connections to any  service  that  is  already  established.
       Either  the  user  will  have  to  disconnect from the service, or smbd
       killed and restarted.

> or
> /samba restart

You keep scripts in / ???

> is it all built into networking?
> Do I have to restart networking each time I want smb updated?


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