This is *very* political!!

the aim of said act is to get the free trade agreement with
the US (aka get to the same customer base as american
private business have within america without traffifs or
other red tape) end of story.

Now do you honestly think any (NZ) politician will care if
someone in NZ gets their internet connection pulled due to
an unproven claim?

then here's a couple of hints:
         - Lay a charge against a (NZ) politican and see
what happens
                 yep nothing even if you can prove the claim
         - Lay a charge against a non politican
                 yep they've lost the connection

How could one possibly do so against a politican?
err, by illegally placing the content on the site yourself
(then laying the charge), or by knowing that what has been
claimed is TRUE
Yes i know - in regards to the 1st part your asking for all
sorts of things to come down on you as well. And for the
second part well who is going to believe you?

politicians are self serving (helen proved that with
and the next election isn't due for another 2 years!

Now fire away i know what i've said is full of holes BUT the
essences of it is true.


----- Original Message Follows -----
> On Wed 07 Jan 2009 20:23:06 NZDT +1300, Christopher
> Sawtell wrote:
> > None, but as soon as your introduce the idea of a "fail
> > trial" you bring the whole Justice and Corrections
> > departments in on the Act. Do you _really_ want criminal
> > convictions recorded against naive minors who  are
> proven to have downloaded a few flicks and songs. I would
> > not want that at  all.
> Wasn't the issue ISPs disconnecting customers, not court
> trials against anyone?
> > This whole discussion can be boiled down to the
> question:-
> No it does not. That question is already answered in the
> affirmative. The issue is the copyright mafia subverting
> the process of enforcement away from the established
> channels and on to non-accountable private business.
> > Should people who devote a lot of time, effort, and 
> > financial investment, which  is not without risk,
> > producing something either for the benefit or 
> entertainment of other people receive a financial reward
> for so doing?
> > In this connection note that the producers of the film
> > Sione's Wedding ended up  without any financial benefit
> > whatsoever because spivs and shysters made illicit 
> copies of the DVD and sold them in South Auckland flea
> markets.
> Stay on the floor. For starters I fail to see how
> disconnecting Internet customers impacts on flogging DVDs
> on Auckland flee markets, and then you haven't established
> said flogging being the *cause* of said financial
> disappointment or whether the movie may have been just
> boring. In any case the correct response would be to deal
> with flee marketeers, not ISPs.
> But you won't be able to share your contemplations on
> copyright holder business revenue much longer with us
> Chris, because as due process is skipped, you can get on
> with your life outside of the Internet after someone sets
> up their cron to send the same complaint several times to
> your ISP (of a country reputed to be a lapdog to the
> Americans). Whether the complaint is at all factual or you
> did appropriately pay for your viewing of Sione's Wedding
> is not something anyone will be asking...
> Have a nice day ;)
> Volker
> -- 
> Volker Kuhlmann            is list0570 with the domain in
> header    Please do not CC
> list postings to me.

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