On Thursday 08 January 2009 15:11:23 Nick Rout wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 8, 2009 at 2:16 PM, Brenda Wallace <bre...@wallace.net.nz> 
> > On Wed, Jan 7, 2009 at 8:23 PM, Christopher Sawtell <csawt...@gmail.com>
> >
> > wrote:
> >> On Wednesday 07 January 2009 18:44:27 Brenda Wallace wrote:
> >>> > There is no "Copyright Amendment Act" it is the "Copyright (New
> >>> > Technologies) Amendment Act 2008".
> >>>
> >>> meh. splitting hares.
> >>
> >> s/hares/hairs/      # learn to spell!
> >
> > learn to see a pun. :-P
> how is that a pun?

It isn't because there is no humour.

I can see three things: A mistake; an excuse; and a demonstration of the 
efficacy of the NZ Education Department.

To get back to the original subject and the flurry of emotion.
Remember that:-
1) there is no legal sanction being proposed as a penalty.
2) Somebody who gets cut off can always sign up with another ISP.
3) There is no definition as to what is 'reasonable' under the terms of the 
act. The legal brotherhood will have a field-day establishing case-law 
4) I'm not a lawyer, but surely remides agains false accusation available in 
the existing laws?
Libel and Slander for starters.

Yes, I would agree that the business methods of the 'content providers' should 
change in sympathy with the changes in technology. I actually look forward to 
the day when recorded music is replaced by groups of wandering minstrels - of 
all tyoes - plying their trade, and a musical instrument of some kind becomes, 
once again, the 'entertainment centre' in people's homes.

The language of the act is so full of holes that it's meaningless. 

The act has been passed merely to keep the copyright-holding moghuls in 
California off their government's back. 

What is much more to the point is to agitate for the preservation of our 
personal freedoms, to say nothing of our country's overall sovereignty, which 
I see being eroded every day, but I do agree that we are actually quite well 
off when compared to most of the rest of the world. 

Now, to keep the discussion on the subject of downloading music legally: How 
do I set up a Kubuntu-8.10 so that I can legally listen to the Naxos library 
which is made available via the Public Library?

With Sincerity,
Christopher Sawtell

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