Hi guys, just thought I would introduce myself and say hello so long.  I
am currently in South Africa but joined your group as I am immigrating
to New Zealand at the end of July.  I am really wanting to settle and
find work in Christchurch, but from what I have seen so far it looks
like I might have a better chance in Wellington.  I really do not see
myself settling in Auckland.

It is quite funny to watch your discussions over the last couple of days
- especially the ones over the February meeting and all the suggestions.
It seems like user groups all over the world have the same things in
common.  I can show you the exact same discussions going around in South

I will be monitoring this group and contribute where I can and hope it
goes from strength to strength so by the time I land there you guys have
a well established bi-monthly meeting in place where I can meet all of


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