On Thu, February 5, 2009 16:29, Craig Falconer wrote:
> Andrew Errington wrote, On 05/02/09 15:20:
>> I like my Aspire One.  I think I will like it more with Linux, but that
>>  entails investing some effort into the process, plus outlaying cash
>> for an external DVD drive.  Oh, and an external hard drive for backups
>> (Noel's
>> has one for $90 160Gb.  I swear I am not on commission!)
> We had a desperate need for a USB connected CDROM here... so I connected
> a 5.25" CDROM drive to a 3.5" hard drive IDE USB adapter, and it worked
> well enough.  Needed mains power of course.
> You don't necessarily need an expensive portable laptop optical drive.

True, but I want to carry it with me when travelling.


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