Does your USB HD using USB 2 or 1.1? What does dmesg say when you plug it in? Effective data rate for USB 2.0 HD is around 40MB/s with nothing else on the bus, including mouse and keyboard.

Did you look at rsync?

- Euan Clark

Douglas Royds wrote:
I'm successfully synching my (44GB of) photos, videos, etc to my
portable HDD, but ...

    1. It's taking forever (half an hour to check an already-synchronised
       tree, or about 24MB/sec)
    2. It is copying files when the permissions disagree, even though I
       have perms = 0

In short, Unison seems to be ignoring these preferences:

     * fastcheck = true
     * perms = 0

I tried setting them on the command-line, and also tried a run with
-pretendwin, just in case:

     $ unison Documents -perms 0 -fastcheck true
     $ unison Documents -perms 0 -fastcheck true -pretendwin

No cigar.



include default
root = /home/roydsd/Documents
root = /media/Port-Docs/Documents
mountpoint = Pictures
perms = 0
backup = Name *
backupdir = /media/Port-Docs/Backups


log = true
logfile = /home/roydsd/.unison/unison.log
auto = true
addprefsto = default
fastcheck = true
ignore = Name {.*~,*~,.#*}
ignore = Name {,.}*{.swp}
ignore = Name {Thumbs.db}

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