On Sun, Jun 14, 2009 at 4:14 PM, Craig
Falconer<cfalco...@totalteam.co.nz> wrote:
> Ryan McCoskrie wrote, On 14/06/09 09:58:
>> Does this sound familiar to anyone?
>> Your router, network cards and ethernet cables are all in working
>> order and all report that they are connected to each other and the
>> internet
>> but you can't actually access anything online?
>> I've just reset the router and it's all working now but I'd like to know
>> if anyone has had this problem recently (within the last week) and
>> knows what it is.
> Yep.
> Don't assume your stuff is at fault because you can't see other sites on the
> internet.  There's still a lot of things in the mix between your ADSL router
> and the far end.  Especially so if you've changed nothing and "it just
> stopped"
> First thing to do after checking your stuff is to get on the phone and call
> your ISP.  They should know something.  Otherwise it'll be telecom messing
> around - seems to be more likely if its a wholesaled line.
> Finally - the leading cause of "it stopped" if you have naked DSL is when a
> contractor is somewhere near you, hunting for a spare pair. Their old
> technique was to hook onto the line with a butt phone and listen for
> conversation or a dial tone.  If neither of those were heard, then its
> "spare" and the documentation was wrong so they pinch that pair.   Of course
> there is no dialtone on naked DSL.

The other answer is that consumer grade dsl modems and modem/routers
just sometimes lost the plot.

But there are many reasons. The only way to tell is by time tested
methods with ping, traceroute and other similar tools, testing ip
addresses (that don't need dns resolution) then host names.

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