On Thu, 23 Jul 2009 10:25:11 +1200 (NZST)
Derek Smithies wrote:

> Hi,
>   Ok, let me put the actual number::
> when I started with the zx81, I had 1K.
> This was "ok" for a bit, but soon ran out of space.
> The shop wanted $200 for 16k ram packs.
>    I happily forked over the money, and regarded it as "cheap"..
> At $200 per 16k, 4gb would cost you $52,428,800
> Derek.

Hunting thru old notebook (dead tree)

27 August 1978
1 x Syntertek SYM-1 Single board computer with 1025 bytes
      478.50 + 40% sales tax    total $699.20

2114 static ram to make 4096 bytes
      6 x $216  $1296.00, Tax  $518.40, Total $1814.40


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