2009/7/29 Aidan Gauland <wgsil...@no8wireless.co.nz>:

> I'd suggest telling Apple to get stuffed, and take your business
> elsewhere.  If enough people took that attitude, instead of
> subscribing to Apple's dictatorship, then perhaps they would no longer
> have so much control over this particular market.

I'd agree - and tell the gym to get stuffed as well. Ask if they can
recommend another gym.

I'm not really that concerned with the difficulties New Zealanders
have watching videos in gyms, but iTunes University really pisses me

Lots of educational institutions put material onto iTunes U, lots of
people in developing countries want to access this material, but their
stupid governments are trying to avoid getting locked into propretary
software, and want to use Linux - paricularly in education. But Apple
drives people to Microsoft. Ironic, huh?

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