If you're serious about learning to run linux as a server rather than a
desktop, then choose either debian lenny or CentOS 5.3. As you're
already using ubuntu, then this is the one that'll probably be easier.

Unless you have a mentor to aid the process, then choose the one they're
most comfortable with!



On Fri, 2009-08-14 at 13:53 +1200, Daniel Hill wrote:
> I'm about to acquire a old computer from my friend (AMD 1.6GHz 80GB HDD)
> and want to eventually set it up as a webserver, game server, wireless
> router and any other servers that I mite want to play with
> I also want to learn linux properly (currently running ubuntu on my desktop)
> so I'm wondering which distro would be a good learning experience and in
> the end be stable for a server
> a couple of distros come to mind: (please correct me if I'm wrong)
> * Gentoo , Pros: Configurable; Cons: Huge comiple/install time
> * Slackware Pros: Configurable; Cons: Doesn't have a automated update system
> * Debian Pros: Stable; Cons: pre-configured?
> * LFS Pros: Configureable; Cons: same as Gentoo and Slackware?
> * rPath Pros: Conary Package managment Cons: New unproven technology
> * Any other suggestions ?
> the other option would be to just setup the server with ubuntu server or
> debian, and use a VM on my desktop to learn linux with maybe slackware
Steve Holdoway <st...@greengecko.co.nz>
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