I have no idea if this is possible so thought I'd ask those for more
knowledgeable here. 

I'm doing some work on a client website.   I've set up a virtual site
locally using apache 2 so that I can have a mirror copy of the site to
make changes and test before uploading to the live site.

At the moment I'm switching between the local and remote sites by
editing the IP address in /etc/hosts.   

What I'd like to know is if there is any way to set up local dns so that
I can resolve "examplesite.com" to either my local virtual site, or the
real live site based on the specified http port. 


If I visit examplesite.com (standard port 80) I'll go to the live
interent site. 

But if I visit examplesite.com:81 I'll be redirected to the local
development virtual site running on my local computer. 

Probably can't be done but thought I'd ask and see what suggestions you
guys can come up with. 

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