On Fri, 25 Sep 2009 14:35:07 Bryce Stenberg wrote:
> Hi,
> Can someone please give me a quick pointer to where I stop my machine
> booting to the gui?
> I installed Ubuntu server.  Then also installed Ubuntu-desktop to get a
> gui when I want one.
> But now I can't find where to tell it not to use the gui until I type
> 'startx' or something along those lines.
> Being an older machine and setting it up as a server, I only want to use
> the gui when I don't know how to do something easily from the command
> line.

Got to your terminal and type:
        sudo "gedit /etc/inittab"

This should give you  a blank editor window to work with
Type into it:

and then save

If it is not blank find the line:
and change the five to a three.

The part about using the sudo command I'm not so
sure about since I don't use Ubuntu much.
If it doesn't work check the manual using:
        man sudo

Quote of the login: 
Real Users never use the Help key.

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